
Welcome to the Basement

Welcome, this is the Basement Gamer blog. My name is Adam, but it can also be Duomtl if you've joined my stream on Twitch or maybe saw me on the Steam forums on behalf of Artifice Studio. I wanted this to sort of be a mini introduction to myself and my fellow friends and gamers who will be joining me on this blog.

I may be the only one of the group who actually is a part of the video game industry, but we are all quite passionate about games. I myself have an incredibly broad range of tastes when it comes to games (and a large tolerance too haha), but we're all different. My best friend Sean and I started our friendship many years ago over a common love for Final Fantasy Tactics. While I can still enjoy a good RPG, Sean almost seems to go out of his way to play nearly all of them haha. Brandon, the jokester I would say, it's actually a funny story of how he joined the group, since we all knew him way back when, but only since have become great friends with him. He and I are much the same when it comes to our taste in games: we play pretty much anything. Campeau (his real name is Matthew, but that is the only time you will ever hear him called that) is actually my brother's best friend, but over the years, we've all sort of mixed together at parties and whatnot. I've played my fair share of MMO's, but I can easily say that I have never quite scratched the surface of them compared to Campeau—this guy fiends them.

I really want this blog to be a very personal account of our time with our games. I used to work in a video game store here in Canada called Microplay. It was sort of like a Gamestop/EB games but friendlier, and much of my time over the years, although not as much anymore, was spent collecting rare games (or at least what I deemed rare). I don't have a crazy collection by any means, but it's fairly comprehensive. Largely filled with ps1/ps2 games, there are a number of Nintendo products lying around as well. Along with talking about new games I've been digging my teeth into, I want to share this collection with everyone in the hopes of reminding someone of a past gem, or maybe opening their eyes to one for the first time.

Around 70 games. A modest collection.

Everyone's tastes evolve over time, mine sure have, but the connection you make with some games can last a life time (just try not to revisit some of them though haha, some games have a bad habit of tarnishing your fond memories of them as the years pass on). 
Intro 3376999864778900679

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  1. Secret of Mana can never be tarnished. It will forever be a masterpiece. Ageless and Priceless. You should post your collection of Snes and PS1 games as well.

  2. It was just one picture lol, I will be posting all over time.



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