Have you ever played Skyrim and ran up mountains on your
horse and thought to yourself, "I wish this was a game?" Well Notch,
the creator of minecraft did and he made it and called it Cliffhorse. Cliffhorse is a game but in definition only. It's more
of a world sim in which you control the mighty and majestic Cliffhorse and you
run around in your scenic sky island exploring and climbing cliffs. But beware:
venture beyond the walls of Cliff Island and you will fall into the endless
blue abyss that surrounds it.
The game, if you want to call it that, is incredibly simple:
you run around and explore, climbing and descending the mountainous terrain. It
may be simple but there's something innately fun about the way the game
controls. For example, after the slow climb your horse gains momentum on its
way down, allowing you to pick up a ton of’s hard to describe what
exactly makes the game so fun it’s almost the ridiculousness of the premise
that keeps you interested and playing.
Although you aren’t the only one in this world, there’s also
a giant ball you can push around, which may or may not have been a horse at one
point in time...the horse texture stretched across it possibly hints at
something more sinister. The game is currently in “early access” and is free to
play but if you do want to pay into it you can use Dogecoins, an online
currency similar to Bitcoin.
Notch also made a point of mentioning there will be no
guaranteed updates for this indie title. The game itself is more of a joke by
Notch, who released it a few days before E3 2014, calling it “the future of
gaming” but for what really just amounts to an April Fool's day joke, it
actually has an interesting fan following and grossed 280 000 dogecoins (100
USD) in just one day.
I’d say the game itself is worth a shot just to experience
it. Cliffhorse is a tiny download and barely a game but there's a charm about
it that definitely makes it worth playing and I recommend giving it a try. It’s
not the kind of game you're gonna pump 70+ hours into but it’s worth the time
you're gonna take to mess around in it.