
That's How I Role

So I recently started playing Fallout : New Vegas again, after talking about it on the podcast I started jonesing for another play through, and I figured I would talk about it in my blog this week.

Now to preface this I should explain to you the way I play most Bethesda games: I give my character a compulsion. Now this ranges from ADD, OCD, alcoholism, addiction, compulsive lying, inferiority complexes and kleptomania. Now I know what you're thinking "Why the hell would you do that?" and the short answer is "its fun".

No matter which compulsion you pick, it adds a new dynamic to the game forcing you to look at rooms, areas and interactions differently. During my last play through, my character was an alcoholic who loved whiskey. I ended up collecting all the whiskey I could find and maintained a constant buzz throughout the game. Fallout even acknowledges addictions to the point where you have to drink or you suffer the negative effects of your previous binges. By the end of the game I was running low on whiskey and had to scavenge the wastelands for every bottle. It adds a surprising new element to the game: something as trivial as an optional consumable becomes a major item you need at all times.

So now that you know about how I role-play in Bethesda games, I can tell you about my new campaign. I decided to make Campaloupe a compulsive liar who is obsessed with ashtrays and after playing for about three hours, I've learned something I hadn't thought about...there are shit ton of ashtrays in a game about Las Vegas. I mean seriously the people who preceded the nuclear holocaust had a seriously unhealthy smoking problem. Bundle in the fact that I have to lie whenever I'm prompted too, the game has actually been pretty crazy so far. I've gotten into about four or five fights with people in-game due to it and I've all ready collected about 90 ashtrays, which are scattered across my floor in Novac.

To be honest though it's something I think everyone should try in any game you can. Like I said before, it really adds new layer to the game and I consider it a game long mission or objective.

Well that's how I've been playing lately and as I progress, I may throw in a few updates now and again on Campaloupe's exploits.
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  1. I want to start replaying Skyrim and doing this now....although I was quite fond of collecting Troll Skulls to begin with....



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