
Dr. Space Man

Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of Spaceteam. Our mission: to travel through space and hopefully not explode and die. 

Spaceteam is probably one of the most fun apps I've played to date. It reminds me of FTL if someone made it into a party game. The game supports up to four players and that's when it's at it's best; the hectic an erratic game play makes it an awesome drinking game.

Spaceteam takes place on a ship hurtling through space and you and your shipmates are in charge of piloting this ship and maintaining it while dealing with a slew of asteroid fields, worm holes and various other space issues as they flash across the ticker at the top of your screen. But there's a catch: these aren't your orders, there your teammates. So you spend the majority of the game frantically shouting orders to your friends while listening in for your own and if that isn't hard enough making mistakes or failing to fulfill an objective damages your ship. Too much damage can cause your console to break and become electrified or leak coolant, all of which obscure your console making it even more difficult to see what switch you need to toggle or when the number four is on a dial.

When you complete enough tasks your ship enters warp and you start the next round, which ramps up the difficulty. You really have no reason not to give Spaceteam a try. Not only is it out for both Android and iOS, it also costs exactly zero dollars so now you have no excuse not to try it.
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