
My Problem With eSports

Holy shit, do I feel like an old man. I played street hockey for about 3 hours yesterday and my joints feel like shite. The second day is always the worst after heavy exertion though, so I anticipate being alright tomorrow. What I'm really anticipating though is the start of the NHL regular season this week! I love sports and I'm up to play anything. I'm also a huge fan of watching many sports, and I watch Sportscentre nearly every night...but why is it that I can't get into eSports? I've played many a game of League of Legends, and while I can hold my own, I am nowhere near the quality of play these pros possess. I was a fan of the game, and it's the epitome of competition, much like any other sport I might watch on TV; but for some reason I just can't bring myself to watch any of the world championship.

I'm not going to sit here and argue if you can even consider eSports real sports. I think you can. While they aren't a game of physical activity, they are definitely a mental game along with some fine dexterity. And if you can call poker a sport, I don't know why you couldn't call League of Legends one. The head honcho over at EPSN might disagree with me and this guy over at Forbes does a good job arguing for eSports' cause: Youshould go check it out. But enough of this, I said I wasn't going to argue.

I think the real reason I can't sit there and watch an eSport is because I don't have any actual tie to any of the teams. The main draw of professional sports—in a league form at least—is that each team represents a real place. You live practically anywhere in North America and you will have a team to support. In eSports, all the teams are random abstracts with nothing behind them to give me a reason to care. At least this is my rationale.

I know that Campeau likes to watch professional League of Legends but not for the reason you might think...well, maybe he does just like it. From my understanding however, at least from what he's told me before, he likes to watch it because he uses it as a learning experience. Watching the pros is a pretty legit reason, heck I even do it when I watch the NHL (not that it improves my hockey game much). Maybe that's just it though; you have to be really into it to care. Campeau is a huge MOBA fan, and has played countless hours of League of Legends over the years; he even started playing during its beta. Me on the other hand, I enjoyed the game, but not enough to invest outside time to it further.

In the end, sports are really just a distraction from real life. A few hours here and there you can just relax and scream at the TV when someone you like fucks up. eSports? Traditional sports? Who cares: At least there's always something to watch.
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