
Attack Of The Knack

I decided to take a step back from Destiny this week; not that it isn't the only thing I've been playing recently. I really had a ...


My fate Is My Own, Sort Of

As of late, I've found myself truly needing to play within a fantasy world setting. I'm not all too sure whether it's because I...


That’s All Folks: My Thoughts On Completing Video Game

After spending the little time I did with Legendof Dungeon last week, I decided it was best to return to, and hopefully finish with, B...


My Beginnings As A Gamer - Part 2‏

Asmentioned last week , as a kid I owned a Sega Genesis, but only had 3 games. Of course I rented a few, but the ones I owned made great me...


Loading Destiny

I sunk my teeth into Destiny a bit more this week. Probably put in another 6-7 hours. I was able to beat the "single player" ...


Battleborn, More Like BattleAWESOME

Through the years, gamers are exposed to a slew of game producers who release titles that just may tickle your fancy. Some of these title...


Hide and Seek LOL

I’ve been playing League of Legends for about 4 years now but I’ve never been a huge fan of the ranked system; so when I hit level 30, it ...


Legend Of Dungeon: Booming In Name But Whimpering In Execution

It’s refreshing to spend some time away from Breathof Fire: Dragon Quarter . Not that the game itself is bad. It’s just a touch laborio...


Touch Screen Dinos!

Ever get tired of hearing how fantastic Hay Day is? Ever want to have your own farm simulator but with dinosaurs? Well I've got the gam...


My Beginnings As A Gamer - Part 1‏

I was probably 7 or 8 when I got my first console: a Sega Genesis. I think I was even given the choice of either the Super Nintendo or ...


Starting Destiny

This week will serve as an abridge for my upcoming post. I am still currently playing Destiny , although much to my chagrin I have had o...


Powered by Steam

I think it was sunny out. Maybe it wasn’t. I was in the midst of playing Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and my brow began to sweat. I wa...


Raising The Dead Tree

We’re back again with more zombie action this week. I’m talking about my most recent zombie acquisition: Dead Rising 3 . It’s no secret...


Just Copy Steam Already

While I don’t think physical copies of games are going to disappear any time soon, you can certainly assume what the fate of physical media...


So Much Hype

Destiny releases tomorrow and out of some awesome twist of fate, it would appear as if I have the entire day off. I will note however that...

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