Starting Destiny
This week will serve as an abridge for my upcoming post. I am still currently playing Destiny, although much to my chagrin I have had other obligations that have stilted my play time. Within the first 2 days I had pumped a good 8 hours into the single player (part of that co-op / the 3 man raids) and another few hours into the Crucible which is what they call the PVP arena. Yes this is a lot of play time for 2 days, but now being a week into the game, I have not had much time to put anything else into it.
First things first, Destiny is a huge amount of fun. It's incredibly enjoyable whichever way you decide to play it. Want to run through the game solo? That works. Want to go around doing the campaign with a friend? Even more fun. Want to kill your fellow gamers in a blood bath? Go right ahead. It's all solid and the game really does control just like Halo—which isn't a bad thing considering how much that series is adored.