
Bring Me Home

After playing Fright Night at Freddy’s I was still in the mood for another horror game and it reminded me of Home, a game that I loved when it was released two years ago, so I decided to play it again. To give you a little context, I got this game upon its release on a whim and shortly after beating it, I was recommending it to everyone I knew because the game was so interesting and intricate, it blew me away.

Home is a kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure-style horror game and the atmosphere is insane; the game itself is an experience. You play as a man who wakes up on a stormy night in a home that's not his and, as far as you can tell, no one is around. Your goal is to make your way home and figure out what the hell has happened along the way. But the real meat and bones of the game is the journey: all the decisions you make along the way affect the outcome and arch of the story and if there's one thing this game has, its tons of replay value.

The controls are super simple and as you progress through the different areas all you can do is interact with different objects and landmarks—it’s almost like a point and click adventure game, but without the point and click. The fun part is using different items to solve different puzzles. You rarely get stuck and have to needlessly backtrack, but you do have to use problem solving and think about what you have to get past any roadblocks you might encounter.

Now if there's one recommendation I can make for your play-through it's this: play it in the dark, but mostly, you need to use headphones. It’s pretty much a requirement. The music and atmosphere really set the tone for the game and without it the game loses its eerie / unnerving qualities and it takes away from the overall experience.

Home is driven primarily by its story and how you choose to interact with the world around you. Using different objects drives the story in different directions. The game itself is worth visiting a few times to see how you react to situations and problems differently and trying to achieve the various outcomes. Now the game is fairly spoiler intensive so I can’t get too far into detail but it’s definitely a game I’d recommend trying out and at $2.99 there's almost no reason not to. Factoring in the replay value alone and you’re guaranteed your money’s worth. So if you’re looking for something to sink a few hours into and have a unique experience with, Home is the game for you.
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